Principal’s moral fibers are shredded.

Judges lie to protect the guilty...I have exhausted my retirement life dealing with Principal’s total lack of morality.  Setting aside the cocaine issues, the fraud and lies to investors, how bad can it get?  The answer is, “pretty bad.”  170 King Street in San Francisco was purchased by Principal for the Principal U.S. Property Separate Account in  2003.  Basically, the residential building is located across the street from Oracle Park baseball stadium.  As a fiduciary for the Principal U.S Property Separate account, one can only ask how low can a Principal employee go to in owning and managing this building.

The images below somehow explain the low mentality of whatever Principal General Manager possessed to conceive the facade on the front of the building.  Words can’t adequately express the total disgust and demonic mindset that person had to waste what appears to be millions of dollars to “refurbish” the facade…. the image of Mark Hanrahan shown here was the Principal Project Manager that purchased this building on behalf of the 401k investors.

Contrast these images with the image shown below of a young woman holding her pet… this image appears on their web page.


Author: Dennis Myhre

Mr. Myhre can be contacted at.....